Jana DCS Courtesy Visit from MDCA

Malaysian District Cooling Association (MDCA) was founded on 2021 and Megajana is one of the founding members who takes part during the establishment of MDCA. As MDCA committed on building a strong foundation, MDCA have organised a courtesy visit to one of its founding members in Iskandar City, Johor Bahru.

Megajana went for a courtesy visit on 4th December 2023 to one of the MDCA founding members in southern area of Malaysia, Jana DCS Sdn Bhd. The visit was organised to portray a continuous support to our founding members and to exchange any valuable input that may can be implemented to every member cooling plant.

Upon arrival, the delegation was greeted warmly by the plant’s management, who provided an insightful overview of the facility’s operations. It was great as all members who is a district cooling service provider, get to gather and conduct a plant tour while exchanging knowledge about their experiences which are valuable for the present and the future.

The visit to the district cooling plant stands as a testament to the relentless pursuit of sustainable solutions and the unwavering commitment to a greener, more efficient future. We hope to join for other visit as we believe such visit is a chance for everyone involved to figures out what can be implement to make the association even better.

Learn more about MDCA by clicking here.